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Ride a Pale Horse
Helen MacInnes
The Samurai's Wife
Laura Joh Rowland

Jack, Skinny Bones, and the Golden Pancakes

Jack, Skinny Bones, and the Golden Pancakes - M.C. Helldorfer, Elise Primavera Hmm... This is unfortunate. Jack, Skinny Bones, and the Golden Pancakes has kind of neat illustrations, and the language used in telling the story is well put together, and fun to read. This book had potential. Unfortunately, this is a book that I can't read to my young niece and nephew. It uses the word "hell," which they are not allowed to say, and I'm not about to say in their presence. Their mother would *not* be happy with me if I read this book to them, because the last thing she needs is her children thinking that this is a word they can walk around using. I suppose I could censor the word, but since my niece now knows how to read, it's a lot harder to pull off "text alteration." Too bad, but Jack, Skinny Bones, and the Golden Pancakes has to go back on the shelf.