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Ride a Pale Horse
Helen MacInnes
The Samurai's Wife
Laura Joh Rowland

Anthology of Poetry and Verse Written by Students in Creative Writing Classes and Clubs During the First Three Years of Operation (1962-1965) of the Institute of American Indian Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Anthology of Poetry and Verse Written by Students in Creative Writing Classes and Clubs During the First Three Years of Operation (1962-1965) of the Institute of American Indian Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico - Institute of American Indian Arts Students,  Frances Bazil,  King Kuka,  Charles C. Long,  Alonzo Lopez,  Dave MartinNez,  Albert R. Milk Jr.,  Emerson Blackhorse Mitchell,  Alberta Nofchissey,  Calvin O'John,  Ted Palmanteer,  Agnes Pratt,  Sharon L. Burnette,  Loyal Anthology of Poetry and Verse was filled with some truly beautiful, moving poems that seemed to cover every emotion that comes with being human.

I have worked with U.S. government publications for the last 12 years, and I never expected to pick one up that would move me the way this one did. I am very pleased that the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs saw fit to honor these works and publish them.