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Ride a Pale Horse
Helen MacInnes
The Samurai's Wife
Laura Joh Rowland
Down, Down, Down: A Journey to the Bottom of the Sea - Steve Jenkins My niece loved this book! She is very into sea life, so this one was just right up her alley. She sat quietly and listened to every word, and was carefully examining the pictures. The book made her ask lots of questions, "how, why, what's that," which made me happy, since I always have encouraged her to ask questions.

The book was too long to keep my nephew's interest (he's 4), but whenever a very unusual animal (or very cool animal--i.e., sharks) showed up, he did tune in again and ask about it.

The pictures, created using a variety of colors and papers, were wonderful to look at, and enhanced the interest of the story. This was just an excellent book!